Uppercut Elevators Proudly Receives Awards from Bruno Lifts and Garavanta in 2023

As we add ‘award-winning’ to our already impressive resume, our team at Uppercut Elevators is honoured to be awarded the Bruno Lifts Gold Dealer award for 2023 and the Garaventa Lift Top Performer Award for the third consecutive year.

Bruno Lifts Gold Dealer Award

The Bruno Gold Dealer Award, introduced in 2016, honours the elite Bruno dealers across North America and acknowledges their significant sales achievements. This prestigious award elevates the status from the previous “Bruno preferred dealers” designation, further highlighting the company’s dedication to excellence and its dealer network’s role in delivering outstanding customer service and support.

About Bruno Lifts

Bruno Independent Living Aids, a veteran-founded and family-owned company, has been committed since 1984 to enhancing the mobility and quality of life for individuals facing mobility challenges. From its headquarters in Oconomowoc, WI, Bruno crafts a wide range of Made in USA accessibility solutions, including stair, scooter, platform, and home elevators.

These products facilitate greater access to both private homes and public spaces, ensuring users can lead more independent lives. Employing over 400 dedicated professionals, including welders, fabricators, engineers, and customer relations representatives, Bruno operates with the support of the largest dealer network in North America, ensuring excellence from production to installation.

Bruno’s emphasis on quality is evident in its ISO 9001 certification, reflecting its commitment to high standards of workmanship and a quality management system that guarantees superior product quality and reliability. With a global presence that spans continents, Bruno’s products are accessible worldwide, symbolizing the company’s far-reaching impact on enhancing accessibility.

Garaventa Lift Top Performer Award

Uppercut Elevators has been one of Garaventa’s top-performing dealers for three consecutive years. The top performer awards highlight the company’s ongoing commitment to excellence and its role in shaping an accessible world, aligning with its vision of reliability, safety, and innovation.

About Garaventa Lift

Established south of Vancouver, British Columbia, Garaventa Lift has grown into a major international enterprise renowned for manufacturing state-of-the-art accessibility products and compact elevators. Since its pivot from mountain aerial tramways in 1974 to accessibility solutions in 1978, Garaventa Lift has been at the forefront of industry innovation, safety, and reliability. Today, with over 100K worldwide installations, including significant projects like the Korean Subway System and the Mexico City Metro, the company’s expertise in overcoming complex accessibility challenges is unparalleled.

Garaventa Lift’s operations span Canada, China, Italy, and Switzerland, with retail contracting operations extending to the USA, Poland, and the Czech Republic. Its mission is to enhance the quality of life for people worldwide. This dedication to creating accessible environments, combined with a customer-focused approach and a commitment to ethical partnerships and environmental stewardship, has rightfully earned Garaventa Lift numerous accolades, including top performer awards.

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