Is a Home Medical Company The Best Place to Buy a Stair or Porch Lift?

As the name suggests, home medical companies specialize in the sales and service of home medical equipment. Lately, however, there has been a trend for some of these companies to expand into the elevator and lift the world. As someone who has focused on the sales service and maintenance of elevators and lifts for the last 22 years, I find this trend disturbing.

I’m sure you’re thinking this is just an attempt to preserve market share or speak unfavourably about a competitor, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m writing this because quite frankly I feel horrible for the people who depend on this equipment and in my opinion have been let down.

Below are several reasons as to why you should purchase your stairlift or porch lift from an elevator and lift company, not a home medical establishment.

1. Focus

If you ask any HME (Home Medical Equipment) supplier where their focus lies, I’m sure there will tell you items such as wheelchairs, incontinent/ostomy supplies and mobility devices make up the bulk of their business. The phrase “jack of all trades and master of none” comes to mind. Our focus is exclusively on elevators and lifts – its all we do. Porch Lift

2. Experience

We currently have staff members who have close to 30 years of experience with the installation and service of stair and porch lifts. Our sales team has a combined experience of close to 60 years in this industry. I challenge any home medical company to come even close to this. We will make sure that you get the best product to meet your needs and that it is installed by a qualified technician.

3. Service

How can you offer exceptional service when your hours of operation are 8:30 – 5:00 Monday to Friday. We offer after-hours service should your device experience and issue outside of regular business hours. We will also send a qualified technician to do the repair.

4. Price

Uppercut VanWe have a defined focus, so we buy in bulk, install efficiently, and have limited callbacks. For these reasons, we will not be undersold. We will match any comparative product price and still include the aforenoted superior service.

In closing, I would like to say that I don’t believe home medical companies are awful entities preying upon people. Most do an exceptional job for their clients. All I’m saying is that an elevator or lift is not a wheelchair or a scooter. I’m trying to convey that this is a specialized industry that demands focus and expertise. After all, you wouldn’t buy your next car from a bike store, would you?

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