Customer Access to Your Business: Commercial Accessibility Lifts

As a business owner, it’s critical to consider everyone’s accessibility needs when evaluating your commercial property. According to Statistics Canada, over 2.7 million Canadians over 15 years old have a mobility disability. Typically, as we reach 55, we become more limited in our daily activities and can sustain a mobility disability. Commercial accessibility lifts allow customers with limited mobility to visit your business safely while feeling welcomed and included.

The Benefits of Having a Commercial Accessibility Lift

In Canada, private businesses, non-profit organizations, and government properties must provide accessible services, goods, and facilities to all individuals, including those with disabilities. Meeting laws and regulations is critical for business owners to continue operating without ostracizing those who have mobility disabilities.

With an aging population, many individuals over 55 and those born with mobility impairment can still lead a typical life with the help of resources and tools like lifts. Accessibility options can show your customers that you care about their well-being, leading to a happier customer.

Accessibility for everyone is necessary to make all your customers and clients feel welcome and comfortable in your business. Having a commercial accessibility lift can also help your employees perform their jobs more effectively and quickly. Investing in a lift is a significant decision for a business owner, but it’s well worth it.

Premium Commercial Accessibility Lifts from Uppercut Elevators

At Uppercut Elevators, we install commercial accessibility lifts throughout Alberta, including Calgary, Edmonton, and Canmore. Our services are honest, detailed, and reliable. Safety and quality are our top priorities. We provide some of the highest-quality commercial accessibility lifts in the market, including the Opal, Xpress II, Artira, Genesis, CPL, Stair Lifts, Stair-trac, and Super-trac.

All of our accessibility lifts can fit into the design of any building or be retrofitted into an existing space. Our lifts must be inspected under the “Lifts for Persons with Physical Disabilities (LPPD)” code, and they’re all compliant and installed with precision by an experienced team following stringent safety protocols. From commercial accessibility lift installation to repair and maintenance, we can help you care for your customers better.

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